It is important to make use of your computer to earn extra money. One of the keys to becoming wealthy is to make as much money as you possibly can by making use of your down time.
The way we make a lot of money is, number one, with a business. But when we are not in the office, and our staff is at home, what are we doing? Hopefully not just paying rent on the office building.
If you are one of those entrepreneurs who needs to have something going on at all times, working the online scene is right up your ally.
There are a number of ways to do this, and I have spent the past several months working on numerous sites in order to post what I see as the very best ways to earn money online.
The very first thing to do before starting any of these online ventures is to open an e-mail account specifically for your online work. I find it easier to keep track of, and it eliminates all the numerous business e-mails being lost in all the personal fluff.
- CashCrate is a very good way to earn money if you are in school, or for some reason are spending a lot of time at home and need to do something other than have a job. On this site you take surveys or complete tasks for money. It is an honest, and clean site that is quick to mail a check when earnings reach $20 or more. To join click here
- Inboxdollars is a site very similar to CashCrate, I just happen to like it better because of the layout. Some people try to work both at the same time, as I did, while others experiment with both at first, and then stick with the one the like best. Inboxdollars will also pay by check after you have reached a threshold of at least $30. This site gives a lot of incentives which can often result in your getting paid more often. To join Inboxdollars click here.
- MyLot is a very unusual site that has taken me some time to get used to. I have to give this site a lot of credit because I did not like it at first, and found it too awkward to navigate. I also hated the fact that they throw surveys at you every time you log on, however, you can just keep the survey's by hitting "skip offer" repeatedly until you are back in your account. You can actually make good money easily here. It took me some time to figure this out. What do I mean by good money? Well, after I dissed this site as being a waste of time, I was in the doctor's office sitting in the waiting room. I hate waiting for doctors more than anything else because it is such a waste of my time. I am forever thinking of all the productive things that I could be doing. At this particular time I remembered MyLot, and took out my iPad and started asking and answering questions. My thought was that at least I was making pennies instead of nothing while I was waiting. Well, I continued using this site when ever I was left waiting in the car for someone, or standing in line for something. Just about when ever I was mindlessly standing around, and all those idle moments have resulted in my earning approximately $25 per day passively. Yes, all that stupid talking on the MyLot site is making money for me as I write this post. I highly recommend giving this site a chance. If you are a student, and have time in your class while waiting for your teacher to walk in the room, or long lunch hours that are wasting your time, this is the site. To join MyLot click this link.
- Hubpages is a favorite of mine because it is a writing site that actually works. As this whole thing was an experiment of mine for my blog, I decided to be the entrepreneur that I am and come up with a goal. I knew that if I were to write 50 Hubs, it would not amount to anything. I had to treat this like I would any other business. I decided to conquer 200 Hubs as quickly as I could. When I thought of a topic, I would write it down, and when sitting idle, I would write passages. In 4 months I had 200 Hubs, and was earning $180 per month. That may not seem like much, but those are all new Hubs that have not had time to mature. After these hubs mature, they will be bringing in anywhere from $800-$2,000, depending on a number of factors. I will continue to post what my results on this site are over the next few months. To join Hubpages click hubzz.
- InfoBarrel- This is a site that is like Hubpages. The reason I recommend it is that it lends variety and con be used to link to your Hubpages. This will give your articles more visibility and help you to earn more money in the future. To join InfoBarrel click here.
- WebAnswers- This is another site that I was very surprised by. I had no idea that so much money could be made by asking and answering questions. One of the beauties of this site is that it helps you become accepted by AdSense. You must first answer a few questions for free. This is your trial period, and then they will accept you as long as you did your best to answer questions professionally. I actually made more money on this site within one month than I did at Hubpages. This is a great time to join the site because it is still in the "beta"stage, and they are trying to recruit as many people as possible by paying generously. to join WebAnswers StartHere
To Keep Yourself Inspired check out this: Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and J. Paul Getty.
How To Make Millions Online & At Home
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